Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer and Freelancer in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP.
Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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Typesafety in xUnit with TheoryData<T>

I recently discovered this small but very useful utility in xUnit: TheoryData<T>.

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Avoid multiple boolean parameters

Boolean parameters are nice, but it's hard to keep track of what each one does when you have multiple of them. In this blog post, we will see why it's better to avoid multiple boolean parameters and how to refactor them.

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Garbage Collector (over)simplified

In this blog post, a small and (over)simplified infographic on how the Garbage Collector works.

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SearchValues object become better with .NET 9

SearchValues, which were introduced with .NET 8 will become an upgrade and becomes more usable! Let's see how.

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Three new LINQ methods in .NET 9

Even though we are in the alpha of .NET 9 and .NET 8 was released not more than two months ago, the dotnet team does not sleep and pushes new changes! In this blog post, we are checking what new methods were added to everyones favorite: LINQ.

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An alternative to AutoMapper

I am not the biggest fan of AutoMapper. It starts with good intentions but often ends up being a big mess. I have seen it used in many projects, and the configuration of the mappings is often scattered all over the place, and or they are huge!

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Const strings are not so const after all

We know the const keyword with strings - but are they really constant after all? Or can we use some tricks to modify them? Let's see.

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