All posts with Tag LinkedIn

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IEnumerable vs IEnumerator in C#: One is 2x Faster - LinkedIn Edition

During my recent browsing on LinkedIn I saw that question: IEnumerable vs IEnumerator in C#: One is 2x Faster – Which One?

Naturally, I was very suspicious. So let's find out what is going on here.

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"Always use early returns" - LinkedIn Edition

Ahhhh dear LinkedIn - a pool of gems where everyone is expert in everything. Over the time I collected some trophies from there and today I want to discuss one of them: "Always use early returns".

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How not to benchmark!

I came across a recent LinkedIn post about the let statement in LINQ and it's performance implication. And in typically influencer fashion it out right claimed that using let in LINQ is a bad idea and should be avoided. But is it a bad idea?

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