Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer in Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP. Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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Solving Problems you wouldn't have if you wouldn't use Entity Framework

Long title - short intro? Well - I recently came across my own stupidity and wanted to display that to the world. Basically, how to dynamically selecting a column with Entity Framework.

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TypeScript-Go: A 10x Faster TypeScript without .NET but in Go

Recent news came out that Microsoft is working on a new TypeScript compiler written in Go (or golang - whatever you prfer). It promises to be 10x faster than the current compiler that is written - well in TypeScript itself. While this is certainly good news, why isn't Microsoft betting on .NET and C#?

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System.Linq.Async is part of .NET 10 - LINQ for IAsyncEnumerable

IAsyncEnumerable is a type that was introduced in netcoreapp3.1 times. While somewhat an enumerable (even though async in nature), it never had the capabilities as its synchronous counterpart. Until dotnet 10! Now we have some feature-parity between those two.

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C# 14: Null-conditional assignment

The preview 1 of dotnet 10, and therefore the next iteration of the C# language, is right in front of our doorsteps. So let's have a look at one of the first potential additions to the language: Null-conditional assignment.

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IEnumerable vs IEnumerator in C#: One is 2x Faster - LinkedIn Edition

During my recent browsing on LinkedIn I saw that question: IEnumerable vs IEnumerator in C#: One is 2x Faster – Which One?

Naturally, I was very suspicious. So let's find out what is going on here.

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Managed Postgres Instance: Neon

A contributor for this blog was recently filing a Pull Request to support Postgres. As I didn't want to run that thing locally to test, I needed a cloud service. That is why I tried neon.

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LINQ MindMap: .NET 10 Edition

Very small update - as the work on .NET 10 starts - or better - continues with full force, I did update the LINQ MindMap.

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Validate that your DI Container can be created in ASP.NET Core

The .NET provided DI container has some means to check if the container can be created. This is useful to ensure that all dependencies can be resolved and that the container is correctly configured. Let's have a quick look.

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When will .NET Framework retire?

Did you ever ask yourself: When will the good ol' .NET Framework retire? The short answer: I don't know, but we can make a good guess!

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