All posts with Tag EF

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Be careful with ToListAsync and ToArrayAsync in Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework has two methods for converting a query to a list or an array: ToListAsync and ToArrayAsync. Of course there is also the sync version of these methods: ToList and ToArray. And sometimes, you should use the latter one!

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ToArray(Async) vs ToList(Async) in Entity Framework 8

When retrieving data from your database with Entity Framework, there are two major options: ToArray and ToList. Besides the different return type, is there any significant difference in performance between the two? Let's find out!

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LINQ Joins on multiple columns in Entity Framework

I came across a very annoying "issue" with LINQ joins (left joins) in Entity Framework where the compiler drove me nuts!

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To Soft Delete or Not to Soft Delete

In this blog post I will discuss the pros and cons of soft deleting records in a database versus other approaches you can take. Heat up your pop corn and get your salt ready!

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Are my EF LINQ to SQL queries safe?

Have you ever asked yourself if your EF LINQ queries are susceptible to SQL injection attacks? Either because you are querying some user data from a text field or directly taking whatever your API hits against the database?

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Entity Framework - Storing complex objects as JSON

From time to time, it is nice to store complex objects or lists as JSON in the database. With Entity Framework 8, this is now easily possible. But this was possible all along with Entity Framework 7.

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Easy Pagination for Entity Framework in 3 steps

Pagination is the process of dividing a set into discrete pages. In the context of Entity Framework, that means we are only getting a certain amount of entries from the database.

And we will implement a very easy solution to make that happen in 3 steps. The result will look like this:

var pagedList = DbContext.BlogPosts.ToPagedList(page: 1, pageSize: 5);

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Delete a record without prior loading in Entity Framework

Sometimes you have an Id of an object and want to delete the underlying thing from the database. But it doesn't make sense to load the whole object from the database to memory first. So how can we achieve this quickly?

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Infographics Compendium III - Exceptions, EF Sanitized, Operators, ...

This edition has the following infographics:

  • DebuggerDisplayAttribute
  • Entity Framework input and LINQ - is it safe?
  • ExceptionDispatchInfo
  • implicit and explicit operator

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