Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer and Freelancer in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP. Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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Having fun with ValueTuple

Just as a heads up: This blog post will probably bring you 0 value in your daily life - well, maybe a short smile. Let's put ValueTuple to its extreme!

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"Always use early returns" - LinkedIn Edition

Ahhhh dear LinkedIn - a pool of gems where everyone is expert in everything. Over the time I collected some trophies from there and today I want to discuss one of them: "Always use early returns".

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How to assert assumptions in code that might not be true?

Sometimes we have to make assumptions in our code. For example, that a certain property or variable has a specific value. On top comes, we have a specific idea but we are not 100% sure if they are correct. Let's meet Debug.Assert.

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An awaitable Blazor Modal Dialog

I already showcased a simple modal dialog in a previous post. However, the dialog was not awaitable. In this post, I'll show you how to create an awaitable modal dialog.

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Be careful with ToListAsync and ToArrayAsync in Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework has two methods for converting a query to a list or an array: ToListAsync and ToArrayAsync. Of course there is also the sync version of these methods: ToList and ToArray. And sometimes, you should use the latter one!

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ToArray(Async) vs ToList(Async) in Entity Framework 8

When retrieving data from your database with Entity Framework, there are two major options: ToArray and ToList. Besides the different return type, is there any significant difference in performance between the two? Let's find out!

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Comparing the performance between the Minimal API and classic Controllers

Today, we are going to benchmark the performance of the Minimal API in ASP.NET 9 (and for reference against ASP.NET 8 as well) against the classic Controllers. We will test a few scenarios and check how the performance of the Minimal API compares to the classic Controllers. Let's get right into it!

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  • 10/14/2024
  • 1 minute read

Git Tricks: Get the last checked out branch

In this blog post I will show you two tricks how to easily switch between a branch back and forth and how to get the last checked out branches.

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  • 10/7/2024
  • 3 minute read

Centralize your packages in .NET with NuGet

A feature that isn't really new but still didn't get my attention until recently is: "Central Package Management". So let's have a look at this in this blog post.

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xUnit v3 and some stuff about TUnit

I know that there is a lot of fuse about TUnit and I am here writing about xUnit. I might cover TUnit in the future, but for now, the topic is the v3 prerelease of xUnit!

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