Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer and Freelancer in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP. Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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Infographics Compendium I - Generators, pure functions and more

Sometimes I publish parts of my infographics I publish on various channels with more explanation.

And then sometimes I don't. This time I just put some of my (hopefully self-explanatory) infographics here.

  • Pure functions
  • Generator functions
  • Cost of anonymous types

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x86 vs x64 in .NET

In this article I will show you what is the difference between x86 (32-bit) vs x64 (64-bit) in the .NET World.

What is the impact if you choose on or another.

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Pattern matching is awesome

Pattern matching, which was introduced in C# 9, is a hell of a beast and does more than you might think.

In this small blog post I show you where the magic is and what it does under the hood.

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How does Pagination work?

Pagination is a technique to load only smaller chunks of data you make visible to the user. Look at Google web search. You only have a certain amount of shown results even though there are millions. So Google has pages (like in a book) where you can go forth and back.

This has multiple advantages: First from a UX point of view you only show a reasonable amount of data to your user. The second benefit is for your API / DB as it only has to load a small page instead of the whole book.

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Blazor Project Structure

Did you ever wonder what is a nice way of structuring your Blazor application?

I will show you how I structure my Blazor projects (as well as this very blog). What are the upside in contrast to the "default" structuring you get with the Blazor template.

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Memory is complicated

This is a small story about how memory operates in your .NET application. Well not only .NET but how memory does or does not get allocated.

We will see how a 1 Gigabyte big array is only a few megabytes big to some extend. Furthermore I will discuss working set and committed memory.

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ASP.NET Core - Why async await is useful

Did you ever wonder why you "should" use async and await in your ASP.NET Core applications? Most probably, you heard something about performance. And there is some truth to it, but not in the way you might think.

So let's discuss this with smaller examples.

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LINQ explained with sketches - the eBook

After covering and collecting multiple parts of LINQ explained with sketches I bundled them all together in a small booklet with more explanation and code samples.

Therefore I present: LINQ explained with sketches - the eBook. Over 30 pages with smaller explanations and more LINQ operations than in my last post. Litte Bonus: There are interactive links with smaller examples to fiddle around with.

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EF7 - Bulk updates and Bulk deletes

Finally the long awaited bulk update and bulk delete feature is heading towards Entity Framework 7. So we will have a look how to use it and what might be some limitations.

Also I will have a quick look at the performance aspect, because this was the main driver for that feature.

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NDepend is a static analysis tool for .NET managed code. The tool proposes a large number features, from dependency visualization to Quality Gates and Smart Technical Debt Estimation. For that reasons the community refers to it as the "Swiss Army Knife" for .NET Developers.

So let's check if that descriptionI shamelessly stole from Wikipedia checks out and what we can do with that tool.

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