Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer and Freelancer in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP. Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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A story about boxing / unboxing and string interpolation in C#

A story about boxing / unboxing and string interpolation in C#. What has string interpolation to do with boxing / unboxing and what's the impact?

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Tutorial Unit and E2E Testing in Blazor - Part 2 Playwright Introduction

This time we will have a look at end to end testing. For this we are using the Playwright C# library from Microsoft. This is the second part of the series. Go here for Part 1

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Quickly asked: Should I use unsigned integers (uint, uint8, ...) in C#?

Should I use uint as a type in my library / website / program? For example when iterating through an array? I mean that thing can't be smaller than 0!?

So let's have a look.

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Async Await Pitfalls / Guidelines - .NET User Group Zurich Presentation

On 6th of July I had the honor to present some topics about async/await. Mainly:

  • What is asynchronous programming
  • Deadlocks and ConfigureAwait
  • How does the state machine work
  • Pitfalls and general Guidelines
  • ValueTask

You'll find all the slides and the whole talk in the blog.

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Tutorial Unit and E2E Testing in Blazor - Part 1

This blog post should give you an easy and good introduction how to unit and end-to-end test your Blazor Application. Furthermore it does not matter if we are running server side or client side aka WebAssembly. The main two libraries we are using is first bUnit for unit-testing and Playwright for end-to-end testing. So let's dive in!

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Blazor Improvements in .NET 6

With .NET6 there is a lot to come what makes ASP.NET Core and especially Blazor better and more usable. In this article I will show some things which will definitely come (like AoT Compilation) and some things which might come (native Drag'n Drop support). Overall I feel .NET6 will be a big release which polishes the .NET Environment. Very looking forward.

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My first Post

Welcome to my blog and my first post

In this article I will show you why I created my own blog-software from scratch and why I have a blog in the first place. Short answer: I like to know how to create a blog and I like blazor. Long answer you will find in the post.

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