All posts with Tag Task

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The state machine in C# with async/await

You often here that the async/await keywords leads to a state machine. But what does that mean? Let's discuss this with a simple example.

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Structured Concurrency in C#

Did you ever hear about "Structured Concurrency"? If not, this article is for you. We will discover what it is, why it is useful, and what it could look like in C#.

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5 useful extensions for Task<T> in .NET

In this short blog post, I will show you 5 useful extensions for Task in .NET. We will build them as extension methods, so there are easy to use. On top, I will show a small example of how to use them. So let's go!

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Wrap Event based functions into awaitable Tasks - Meet TaskCompletionSource

You might have code where an object offers you an event to notify you when a specific operation is done. But event's can be tricky to use, especially when you want to have a continuous flow in your application.

That is where TaskCompletionSource comes into play. We can "transform" an event based function into something which is await-able from the outside world via the await keyword.

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Task vs ValueTask - The what's, when's and how's

Since .NET Core 2.0 the Type ValueTask. It seems that there is a lot of overlap between Task and ValueTask. So let's have a deeper look into ValueTask. Where should we use it and how should we use it properly? And also: where we should not use is.

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Task.WhenAny - How to cancel other tasks

This short post will give an overview how to cancel all remaining tasks once Task.WhenAny finishes. Plus how Task.WhenAny behaves in different circumstances.

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