Hey, I'm Steven a .NET Developer and Freelancer in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a Microsoft MVP. Also, this blog is open source on GitHub.

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What is a Middleware and how to use it in ASP.NET Core?

Did you ever ask yourself: What is a middleware, and why should I use it?

If so, this blog post is exactly for you. We will see where we could use a middleware and also how we can use the Dependecy Injection container of ASP.NET Core.

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Multi-Tenancy with RavenDB and ASP.NET Core

Multi-tenancy is a software architecture pattern where a single instance of a software application is used by multiple customers, with each customer having separate and isolated data, configurations, and resources. RavenDB is a NoSQL document database that provides a flexible and scalable solution for multi-tenant applications. This blog post will explore why multi-tenancy exists, the advantages of using RavenDB for multi-tenant applications, and provide code examples to get you started.

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C# Language Mind map

This blog post contains a mind map of language features starting from C# 1 up til now - including some of the new C# 12 features that will be released in November 2023.

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Repository Pattern - A controversy explained

In this blog post, we'll dive into the ins and outs of the repository pattern and examine both its benefits and its potential drawbacks. We will start from the very basic to some more advanced use cases. So let's dive right into it.

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Native DateOnly and TimeOnly support in Entity Framework 8 in SQL Server

.NET 6 brought us two new datatypes: DateOnly and TimeOnly. For those types we don't have any first class support in Entity Framework - until now.

There is a recent change, that hit us with Entity Framework 8 that might ease the situation and brings native support for those types.

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C# Lowering

Did you ever hear the word "compiler magic" or "syntactic sugar"? Probably yes and therefore we want to dissect what this "magic" really is!

We can see how we can predict performance or bugs by "lowering" our code. Also we will see how things like foreach, var, lock, using, async, await, yield, anonymous types, record, stackalloc, pattern matching, Blazor components, deconstructor, extension methods... do not really exist.

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Deep nesting - Why and how to avoid

... if you need more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix your program.

This is written in the Linux style guide. Let's see why they have that rule and how we can overcome deeply nested code.

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C# 12: Primary Constructors

Another new C# 12 feature might drop soon and makes its debut with the next iteration: Primary Constructors.

The blog post will talk about what a Primary constructor is, why we already have it, and what the proposal tries to change. Exciting times are ahead of us!

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Cohesion - An indicator for refactoring

Cohesion represents the degree to which the elements of a module belong together. A module or class is said to be highly cohesive if its methods and data are highly related, meaning that a change in one affects just a small number of elements.

We can use this metric to know whether or not an object is in a good shape or needs some refactoring.

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Entity Framework 8: Raw SQL queries on unmapped types

The next iteration of Entity Framework, namely Entity Framework 8, will have a new and exciting feature:

Support raw SQL queries without defining an entity type for the result

That means less boilerplate code!

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